Linda Blunk

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  • Linda Blunk

    Sehr gerne.

    Linda Blunk

    Nein beides ist nicht der Fall. Brauchen Sie das?

    2017-02-22 01:36:35,815 INFO [com.jdimension.jlawyer.timer.DirectoryObserverTask] (Timer-2) directory observation is switched off
    2017-02-22 01:36:45,022 INFO [] (Thread-2) WFLYSRV0220: Server shutdown has been requested.
    2017-02-22 01:36:47,815 INFO [com.jdimension.jlawyer.timer.DirectoryObserverTask] (Timer-2) directory observation is switched off
    2017-02-22 01:36:48,938 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYJCA0019: Stopped Driver service with driver-name = j-lawyer-server.ear_com.mysql.jdbc.Driver_5_1
    2017-02-22 01:36:49,344 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYJCA0019: Stopped Driver service with driver-name = j-lawyer-server.ear_com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver_5_1
    2017-02-22 01:36:51,481 ERROR [com.jdimension.jlawyer.timer.FaxQueueStatusTask] (Timer-2) Error checking fax statuses: java.lang.IllegalStateException
    at org.jboss.msc.value.InjectedValue.getValue(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
    at Source)

    2017-02-22 01:36:52,386 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool — 92) WFLYUT0022: Unregistered web context: /j-lawyer-server-war
    2017-02-22 01:36:52,386 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool — 91) WFLYUT0022: Unregistered web context: /j-lawyer-webstart
    2017-02-22 01:36:55,584 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYMSG0006: Unbound messaging object to jndi name java:jboss/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory
    2017-02-22 01:36:55,724 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-8) WFLYUT0019: Host default-host stopping
    2017-02-22 01:36:56,005 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYJCA0010: Unbound data source [java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS]
    2017-02-22 01:36:56,161 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) WFLYJCA0011: Unbound JCA ConnectionFactory [java:/JmsXA]
    2017-02-22 01:36:57,471 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool — 89) WFLYJPA0011: Stopping Persistence Unit (phase 2 of 2) Service ‚j-lawyer-server.ear/j-lawyer-server-ejb.jar#j-lawyer-server-ejbPU‘
    2017-02-22 01:36:57,970 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYJCA0019: Stopped Driver service with driver-name = h2
    2017-02-22 01:36:58,282 INFO [org.jboss.weld.deployer] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYWELD0010: Stopping weld service for deployment j-lawyer-server.ear
    2017-02-22 01:37:00,482 INFO [org.hornetq.ra] (ServerService Thread Pool — 89) HQ151003: HornetQ resource adaptor stopped
    2017-02-22 01:37:03,477 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool — 95) WFLYJPA0011: Stopping Persistence Unit (phase 1 of 2) Service ‚j-lawyer-server.ear/j-lawyer-server-ejb.jar#j-lawyer-server-ejbPU‘
    2017-02-22 01:37:03,477 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYJCA0010: Unbound data source [java:/jlawyerdb]
    2017-02-22 01:37:03,914 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) WFLYJCA0019: Stopped Driver service with driver-name = mysql
    2017-02-22 01:37:09,904 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYSRV0208: Stopped subdeployment (runtime-name: j-lawyer-server-ejb.jar) in 22314ms
    2017-02-22 01:37:19,701 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYSRV0208: Stopped subdeployment (runtime-name: j-lawyer-server-war.war) in 32140ms

    Viele Grüße
    Linda Blunk

    Linda Blunk


    nochmals vielen Dank für die Antwort. Allerdings bin ich jetzt tatsächlich noch etwas verzweifelter als davor. Eben habe ich versucht mich anzumelden, und wie bereits vor 2 Tagen, wo ich alles reinstallieren musste, kam „Anmeldedaten oder Verbindungsparameter falsch“. Dabei habe ich nichts verändert, sondern mich wie gewohnt mit „admin“ und „a“ angemeldet…
    Woran könnte das liegen?

    Liebe Grüße

    Linda Blunk

    Hallo Jens,

    vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort! Ich muss zugeben, ich wusste nicht, dass man vorher den Kontakt erstellen muss… Dann klappt es wunderbar. Die Fehlermeldung kam unmittelbar nachdem ich die Einstellungen für das backup eingegeben hatte. Da dort „root“ stand, hatte ich das Passwort eingegeben, das man bei bei den Zugangsdaten MySQL bekommen hatte. Das war wahrscheinlich falsch oder?

    LG Linda

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